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Match Statistics

View all results of matches between Wales and Scotland
Results for Wales at home and Scotland away
Results for Wales away and Scotland at home
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2017 (Februray 25) Scotland 0 0 Wales 0 1 0 0 DETAILS
2016 (Februray 13) Wales 0 0 Scotland 0 1 0 0 DETAILS
2015 (February 15) Scotland 23 26 Wales 0 26 23 3 DETAILS
2014 (March 15) Wales 51 3 Scotland 0 51 3 48 DETAILS
2013 (March 9) Scotland 18 28 Wales 0 28 18 10 DETAILS
2012 (February 12) Wales 27 13 Scotland 0 27 13 14 DETAILS
2011 (February 12) Scotland 6 24 Wales 0 24 6 18 DETAILS
2010 (February 13) Wales 31 24 Scotland 0 31 24 7 DETAILS
2009 (February 8) Scotland 13 26 Wales 0 26 13 13 DETAILS
2008 (February 9) Wales 30 15 Scotland 0 30 15 15 DETAILS
2007 (February 10) Scotland 21 9 Wales 1 9 21 12 DETAILS
2006 (February 12) Wales 28 18 Scotland 0 28 18 10 DETAILS
2005 (March 13) Scotland 22 46 Wales 0 46 22 24 DETAILS
2004 (February 14) Wales 23 10 Scotland 0 23 10 13 DETAILS
2003 (August 30) Wales 23 9 Scotland 0 23 9 14 DETAILS
2003 (March 8) Scotland 30 22 Wales 1 22 30 8 DETAILS
2002 (April 6) Wales 22 27 Scotland 1 22 27 5 DETAILS
2001 (February 17) Scotland 28 28 Wales 0 1 28 28 DETAILS
2000 (March 18) Wales 26 18 Scotland 0 26 18 8 DETAILS
1999 (February 6) Scotland 33 20 Wales 1 20 33 13 DETAILS
1998 (March 7) Wales 13 19 Scotland 1 13 19 6 DETAILS
1997 (January 18) Scotland 19 34 Wales 0 34 19 15 DETAILS
1996 (February 17) Wales 14 16 Scotland 1 14 16 2 DETAILS
1995 (March 4) Scotland 26 13 Wales 1 13 26 13 DETAILS
1994 (January 15) Wales 29 6 Scotland 0 29 6 23 DETAILS
1993 (February 20) Scotland 20 0 Wales 1 0 20 20 DETAILS
1992 (March 21) Wales 15 12 Scotland 0 15 12 3 DETAILS
1991 (February 2) Scotland 32 12 Wales 1 12 32 20 DETAILS
1990 (March 3) Wales 9 13 Scotland 1 9 13 4 DETAILS
1989 (January 21) Scotland 23 7 Wales 1 7 23 16 DETAILS
1988 (February 20) Wales 25 20 Scotland 0 25 20 5 DETAILS
1987 (March 21) Scotland 21 15 Wales 1 15 21 6 DETAILS
1986 (February 1) Wales 22 15 Scotland 0 22 15 7 DETAILS
1985 (March 2) Scotland 21 25 Wales 0 25 21 4 DETAILS
1984 (January 21) Wales 9 15 Scotland 1 9 15 6 DETAILS
1983 (February 19) Scotland 15 19 Wales 0 19 15 4 DETAILS
1982 (March 20) Wales 18 34 Scotland 1 18 34 16 DETAILS
1981 (February 7) Scotland 15 6 Wales 1 6 15 9 DETAILS
1980 (March 1) Wales 17 6 Scotland 0 17 6 11 DETAILS
1979 (January 20) Scotland 13 19 Wales 0 19 13 6 DETAILS
1978 (February 18) Wales 22 14 Scotland 0 22 14 8 DETAILS
1977 (March 19) Scotland 9 18 Wales 0 18 9 9 DETAILS
1976 (February 7) Wales 28 6 Scotland 0 28 6 22 DETAILS
1975 (March 1) Scotland 12 10 Wales 1 10 12 2 DETAILS
1974 (January 19) Wales 6 0 Scotland 0 6 0 6 DETAILS
1973 (February 3) Scotland 10 9 Wales 1 9 10 1 DETAILS
1972 (February 5) Wales 35 12 Scotland 0 35 12 23 DETAILS
1971 (February 6) Scotland 18 19 Wales 0 19 18 1 DETAILS
1970 (February 7) Wales 18 9 Scotland 0 18 9 9 DETAILS
1969 (February 1) Scotland 3 17 Wales 0 17 3 14 DETAILS
1968 (February 3) Wales 5 0 Scotland 0 5 0 5 DETAILS
1967 (February 4) Scotland 11 5 Wales 1 5 11 6 DETAILS
1966 (February 5) Wales 8 3 Scotland 0 8 3 5 DETAILS
1965 (February 6) Scotland 12 14 Wales 0 14 12 2 DETAILS
1964 (February 1) Wales 11 3 Scotland 0 11 3 8 DETAILS
1963 (February 2) Scotland 0 6 Wales 0 6 0 6 DETAILS
1962 (February 3) Wales 3 8 Scotland 1 3 8 5 DETAILS
1961 (February 11) Scotland 3 0 Wales 1 0 3 3 DETAILS
1960 (February 6) Wales 8 0 Scotland 0 8 0 8 DETAILS
1959 (February 7) Scotland 6 5 Wales 1 5 6 1 DETAILS
1958 (February 1) Wales 8 3 Scotland 0 8 3 5 DETAILS
1957 (February 2) Scotland 9 6 Wales 1 6 9 3 DETAILS
1956 (February 4) Wales 9 3 Scotland 0 9 3 6 DETAILS
1955 (February 5) Scotland 14 8 Wales 1 8 14 6 DETAILS
1954 (April 10) Wales 15 3 Scotland 0 15 3 12 DETAILS
1953 (February 7) Scotland 0 12 Wales 0 12 0 12 DETAILS
1952 (February 2) Wales 11 0 Scotland 0 11 0 11 DETAILS
1951 (February 3) Scotland 19 0 Wales 1 0 19 19 DETAILS
1950 (February 4) Wales 12 0 Scotland 0 12 0 12 DETAILS
1949 (February 5) Scotland 6 5 Wales 1 5 6 1 DETAILS
1948 (February 7) Wales 14 0 Scotland 0 14 0 14 DETAILS
1947 (February 1) Scotland 8 22 Wales 0 22 8 14 DETAILS
1946 (March 30) Scotland 14 6 Wales 1 6 14 8 DETAILS
1939 (February 4) Wales 11 3 Scotland 0 11 3 8 DETAILS
1938 (February 5) Scotland 8 6 Wales 1 6 8 2 DETAILS
1937 (February 6) Wales 6 13 Scotland 1 6 13 7 DETAILS
1936 (February 1) Scotland 3 13 Wales 0 13 3 10 DETAILS
1935 (February 2) Wales 10 6 Scotland 0 10 6 4 DETAILS
1934 (February 3) Scotland 6 13 Wales 0 13 6 7 DETAILS
1933 (February 4) Wales 3 11 Scotland 1 3 11 8 DETAILS
1932 (February 6) Scotland 0 6 Wales 0 6 0 6 DETAILS
1931 (February 7) Wales 13 8 Scotland 0 13 8 5 DETAILS
1930 (February 1) Scotland 12 9 Wales 1 9 12 3 DETAILS
1929 (February 2) Wales 14 7 Scotland 0 14 7 7 DETAILS
1928 (February 4) Scotland 0 13 Wales 0 13 0 13 DETAILS
1927 (February 5) Wales 0 5 Scotland 1 0 5 5 DETAILS
1926 (February 6) Scotland 8 5 Wales 1 5 8 3 DETAILS
1925 (February 7) Wales 14 24 Scotland 1 14 24 10 DETAILS
1924 (February 2) Scotland 35 10 Wales 1 10 35 25 DETAILS
1923 (February 3) Wales 8 11 Scotland 1 8 11 3 DETAILS
1922 (February 4) Scotland 9 9 Wales 0 1 9 9 DETAILS
1921 (February 5) Wales 8 14 Scotland 1 8 14 6 DETAILS
1920 (February 7) Scotland 9 5 Wales 1 5 9 4 DETAILS
1914 (February 7) Wales 24 5 Scotland 0 24 5 19 DETAILS
1913 (February 1) Scotland 0 8 Wales 0 8 0 8 DETAILS
1912 (February 3) Wales 21 6 Scotland 0 21 6 15 DETAILS
1911 (February 4) Scotland 10 32 Wales 0 32 10 22 DETAILS
1910 (February 5) Wales 14 0 Scotland 0 14 0 14 DETAILS
1909 (February 6) Scotland 3 5 Wales 0 5 3 2 DETAILS
1908 (February 1) Wales 6 5 Scotland 0 6 5 1 DETAILS
1907 (February 2) Scotland 6 3 Wales 1 3 6 3 DETAILS
1906 (February 3) Wales 9 3 Scotland 0 9 3 6 DETAILS
1905 (February 3) Scotland 3 6 Wales 0 6 3 3 DETAILS
1904 (February 6) Wales 21 3 Scotland 0 21 3 18 DETAILS
1903 (February 7) Scotland 6 0 Wales 1 0 6 6 DETAILS
1902 (February 1) Wales 14 5 Scotland 0 14 5 9 DETAILS
1901 (February 9) Scotland 18 8 Wales 1 8 18 10 DETAILS
1900 (January 27) Wales 12 3 Scotland 0 12 3 9 DETAILS
1899 (March 4) Scotland 21 10 Wales 1 10 21 11 DETAILS
1896 (January 25) Wales 6 0 Scotland 0 6 0 6 DETAILS
1895 (January 26) Scotland 5 4 Wales 1 4 5 1 DETAILS
1894 (February 3) Wales 7 0 Scotland 0 7 0 7 DETAILS
1893 (February 4) Scotland 0 9 Wales 0 9 0 9 DETAILS
1892 (February 6) Wales 2 7 Scotland 1 2 7 5 DETAILS
1891 (February 7) Scotland 15 0 Wales 1 0 15 15 DETAILS
1890 (February 1) Wales 1 1 Scotland 0 1 1 1 DETAILS
1889 (February 2) Scotland 2 0 Wales 1 0 2 2 DETAILS
1888 (February 4) Wales 1 0 Scotland 0 1 0 1 DETAILS
1887 (February 26) Scotland 4 0 Wales 1 0 4 4 DETAILS
1886 (January 9) Wales 0 2 Scotland 1 0 2 2 DETAILS
1885 (January 10) Scotland 0 0 Wales 0 1 0 0 DETAILS
1884 (January 12) Wales 0 2 Scotland 1 0 2 2 DETAILS
1883 (January 8) Scotland 3 1 Wales 1 1 3 2 DETAILS



Number of Matches
Number of Draws
Longest Winning Streak
Biggest Winning Margin
Biggest Score
Total Points
Average Points